Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day!

Yes. Today is Father's Day, and we had my grandparents, cousins, and uncle, all on my mom's side, over at our house, and ate lunch, and desert and the dad's (and grandpa) opened cards and gifts, and we all talked for a long time, and played croquet.
This is totally off topic, but at that friend's birthday party i went to a weekend or two ago, i got to play a Wii game for the first time ever. And I will say that I do not look upon new technological 'breakthroughs' with favor, in fact, often, as I did with Wii, it was a look of blatant disdain. But I have learned that I should not only not judge people without getting to know them, but also things they make without first trying them out before forming my opinion of their potential evils. I discovered, as I played Wii for the short 15 or so minutes that i did, that it was actually really fun, which was surprising, as few video games actually are to me. :D hehe. Here's another random picture. --or two. they're from may.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't see Rebekah's blog either...